The new regime comprises the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (Act) and the Design and Building Practitioners Regulation 2021 (Regulations).
On 11 June 2020 the Act took effect. On 1 July 2021 the Regulations commenced and the operational provisions of the Act came into force.
The purpose of the Act is to impose greater regulation on the building and construction industry in an effort to reduce the prevalence of design and build defects in apartment complexes. The Act adopts a multi-faceted approach in an effort to achieve its purpose and imposes a range of requirements. Most notably the Act:
In this article we seek to address the practical impact of the “compliance declarations” and “duty of care” provisions of the Act.
If you have any queries regarding the provisions of the Act please do not hesitate to contact the authors of this article.
Compliance Declarations
The Act provides that:
Design declarations must be submitted before building work commences. If the design is varied before or after the building work is commenced, design practitioners must submit a further declaration within 1 day of commencing the varied work.
Only registered building and design practitioners can provide these compliance declarations.
Building declarations must be submitted before an application is made for an “occupancy certificate” (OC).
The Act and Regulations prescribe the form and content of three types of compliance declarations:
The “as-built” design documents must also be submitted via the NSW planning portal within 90 days after the OC is issued.
Compliance declarations must be lodged via the “NSW planning portal”. The forms can be accessed on the NSW Fair Trading Website. 5
It is worth emphasising that monetary penalties apply for a breach of the provisions relating to compliance declarations. In some instances (for example, knowingly submitting a false or misleading declaration) a penalty of imprisonment also applies.
The Act and Regulations impose specific and in some instances cumbersome requirements. Care should be taken to ensure strict compliance by practitioners.
Professional Engineering Work
The Act applies to persons carrying out professional engineering work.
Professional engineering work includes the application of engineering principles and data to design and construction related to engineering. Some exceptions apply under the regulations.
Engineers that intend to provide services related to class 2 buildings must be registered in accordance with the Act. Presently the Act applies to civil, mechanical, geotechnical, electrical, fire and structural engineers.
Engineers that intend to issue design compliance declarations must also be registered as a design practitioner.
Specialist Work
The Act also contains a provision for “specialist work”. This provision requires that all practitioners providing “specialist work” in relation to apartment complexes must be registered under the Act.
Specialist work applies to work that does not fall within one of the categories described above.
Prior to the Act
Previously, the High Court of Australia held that the builder and designer of components of residential strata-titled apartments, did not owe the owners corporation a duty to exercise reasonable care in the construction of the building to avoid causing the owners corporation to suffer economic loss resulting from latent defects in the common property (Brookfield Multiplex Ltd v Owners Corp Strata Plan 61288 (2014) 254 CLR 185; 88 ALJR 911; [2014] HCA 36).
As a result of a number of serious latent structural defects in high-rise strata titled buildings, causing residents of the building to evacuate, the Act was introduced on 3 June 2020 to not only address future latent structural defects in high-rise strata titled buildings, but to also have a retroactive effect.
Duty of Care Imposed by the Act
Section 37(1) of the Act states that “A person who carries out construction work has a duty to exercise reasonable care to avoid economic loss caused by defects:
“Construction work” is defined as:
Section 37, imposes an obligation on those who know, or ought to have known, of a latent defect in a building that if failed to be rectified, would cause the owner or a future owner economic loss. This risk of liability continues for 10 years after completion of the construction work (which extends beyond the six year limitation period for a breach resulting in major defects pursuant to section 18E of the Home Building Act 1989).
It is important to note that section 37 only applies to construction, alterations, additions and repair of a building of a class or type prescribed by regulations 7 made under the section 4 of the Act.
Economic Loss
Only economic loss that was foreseeable is recoverable. Generally, this means that if at the time of construction it was reasonably foreseeable (and not too remote) that the breach would cause the loss complained of, it may be argued that the economic loss was foreseeable and therefore recoverable.
Who can sue?
Section 37(2) of the Act provides, “The duty of care is owed to each owner of land in relation to which the construction work is carried out and each subsequent owner”.
An owner of land, as defined under section 36 of the Act, can be any of the following:
Who can be sued?
All persons who carry out construction work owe the duty created by section 37(1) and can be sued. That includes those carrying out building work, preparing designs for building work, manufacturing and supplying building products used for building work and, supervising, coordinating, project managing or otherwise having substantive control over the carrying out of any of that work (section 36 of the Act).
Accordingly, and until we see the Act in action, there is risk that the relevant corporate entity and its employees will owe a separate actionable duty of care.
Importantly and a key feature of the Act is that section 37 does not only apply to design and construction work undertaken after the commencement of the Act.
It applies equally to construction work undertaken within the 10 years immediately before the commencement of the Act. It is important to note that only the duty of care provision set out in section 37 of the Act is retroactive. 8 This poses a significant risk to those persons described above who, by virtue of the Act, owe a duty of care under the Act but may not have appropriate insurance in place for that period.
Ultimately, you cannot contract out of the duties and obligations imposed by the Act.
Accordingly when defect claims are made, act on them. All time lost prevaricating and refusing to acknowledge the issue will inevitably involve an increased exposure for an economic loss claim, which in some instances might be more significant than the cost of rectifying the defect.
If you have a significant ongoing potential exposure, it is prudent to investigate whether you can obtain insurance against that exposure.
Perhaps the most pressing question is: will insurance cover respond to retrospective claims made under the Act?
The answer is, maybe.
Retroactive cover is not uncommon. Many Directors and Officers and Professional Indemnity policies have retroactive dates and respond on a “claims made” basis.
In other words, if a policy was held at the time the works were carried out, a claim made years later will generally be covered. This is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy and whether the circumstances of the claim were known at the time (if so, the claim is likely excluded).
But will this cover automatically apply to claims made under the expanded duty of care?
Coverage will depend on the express wording of the policy, in particular the scope of the insuring, extension and exclusion provisions of a policy. If the insuring provisions are broad, this expanded liability may well be covered. However this will need to be assessed on a claim by claim basis.
But what if an individual or company did not have a suitable insurance policy at the time the works were undertaken?
In theory it is possible to purchase “claims made” cover with a retroactive date. In other words, cover for projects that have already been carried out. However it remains to be seen whether the insurance market will be amenable to such requests in light of the Act.
Alternatively, parties may be able to negotiate an extension of the policies held at the time, with their insurers.
The way in which insurance policies interact with the Act is yet to be seen in action and will ultimately depend on an insurer’s response to any such claim. It is possible that adequate insurance cover becomes more difficult and more expensive to obtain noting the expanded duty of care and exposure to risk.
It is recommended that those owing a duty of care have a conversation with their construction insurance broker to determine how they are responding. Although, we expect that insurers and brokers will view this as an opportunity and on that basis, are already moving to get this covered.
For more information please contact the authors of this briefing:
Ella Wallwork
Associate, Melbourne
T +61 (0)424 169 697
E ella.wallwork@hfw.com
Natasha Joukhdar
Associate, Sydney
T +61 (0)488 246 036
E natasha.joukhdar@hfw.com
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