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About Jake

Jake is a Senior Associate based in our Sydney office, who is able to advise clients in a range of workplace related matters including compliance with industrial legislation and modern awards, termination of employment, contracts and policies and managing ill and injured employees. In addition to advisory work, Jake also has extensive experience with employment related disputes and litigation in state and federal courts and tribunals, including in relation to unfair dismissal, general protections, underpayments, discrimination and restraint of trade.

Jake’s work includes advising and acting for a range of clients from small-medium size businesses to large multi-national corporations and market leaders. These clients are from a number of different industries including the hotel and hospitality sector, manufacturing sector and facilities management sector. Jake also has experience advising not-for-profit organisations.

  • Providing ongoing day-to-day support and advice to a variety of clients including, multi-national hotel management companies and manufacturing companies.
  • Assisting a number of clients, including a large manufacturing company and a large hospitality company, with undertaking a reconciliation of employees’ pay against the relevant modern award to identify any underpayments.
  • Acting for a senior executive at a group of eight university in a general protections claim against the university. Matter settled at mediation.
  • Acting for a prominent Sydney real estate agency in Supreme Court proceedings against a former employee who had taken confidential information and breached contractual restraints of trade. Matter settled at mediation.