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Corporate Litigation

Specialist legal team providing litigation services to corporates worldwide

Our experience in Corporate Litigation

Our disputes litigation experience covers a range of corporate matters throughout multi-national jurisdictions, providing an array of legal services to secure the optimal outcome for our clients.

Representing in High Court proceedings in Hong Kong, the Australian and Hong Kong joint venture Partners in a Gold Mining Development in Gangsu Province. Advising on litigation generally as well as regulatory issues in China, and specifically on the development of onward sale and licensing of mineral exploitation rights in China.

Acting for joint venture partners in a dispute involving a claim in excess of £100 million in respect of the joint project. This involved detailed consideration of issues of corporate responsibility and conflict on the part of the directors in the JV company.

Acting for a major European group in relation to the application of change of control issues arising under various shareholder agreements in relation to its participation in infrastructure projects in the Far East and Europe.

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