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Financing the future: looking ahead in commodity trade finance

Market Insight
26 October 2016

HFW have partnered with Global Trade Review (GTR) to produce an industry-wide trade finance report which was launched at the Global Commodity Trade Finance Conference in Lugano, Switzerland on 25 October.

Recent political and economic events have converged to make the current trading climate a difficult one, in no small part due to the uncertainty that exists in the market.

The teams at Holman Fenwick Willan and GTR wanted, however, to look beyond the current challenges and discuss the future of the commodity trade finance market, debating how these issues may have knock-on implications. We invited survey respondents to give their opinions on four main topics: the role of securitisation in trade finance; alternative finance; digital solutions; and sustainability.

Please click here to view the full report.

John Court
Global Director of Information Technology