The Coronavirus Crisis: Employment Law Conundrums
3 June 2015
The crisis facing the Country in all aspects of the fabric of social life has been said to be the greatest in a generation. As we all know, the Government has put in place measures which are unique, particularly in relation to the workplace and employment law. However, these measures have to be seen against the backdrop of already existing employment law which creates some difficult issues for employers and employees.
There has been a fair amount of guidance from the various agencies. In this Bulletin we seek to bring together the various strands and consider permutations that may apply where the employer needs to make changes to working practices due to the crisis.
The announcement by the Prime Minister at 8.30 pm on 23rd March 2020 that employees should stay at home and the Country should effectively go into lockdown has fundamentally changed the approach that must be taken but leaves open a large number of issues. We shall first consider the Lockdown issue then the various issues that are thrown up from the perspective of the employee and employer.
This is Issue 1 of the Bulletin which will be updated in line with developments.